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Massage from CEO ...........

Manav kalyan sansthan and its partners were born to bridge the gap between the people who want to make a difference through giving back and those who are doing phenomenal work but need more support. Our focus has been to build trust for the social sector by strong due diligence of all our nonprofit partners, and transparency on how donations impacted lives on the ground. We are proud to have played a small role in enabling giving across all segments of our society - everyday givers, (U)HNI givers, corporate and foundations.
We will continue to stay tuned to the needs on the ground, innovate for scale, and find ways of inspiring every person who can to give back. India is a country that is rich in so many resources. There is no reason for 300 million citizens to continue to live below the poverty line.
Join us in working towards our dream of seeing a poverty-free India within our lifetimes!

- Vipin Srivastava, Founder, General Secretary & CEO MKS


सभी सरकारी एवं गैर सरकारी  टैक्सपेयेर्स  इस संगठन को दान देकर 50 % तक आयकर छुट प्राप्त करें और टैक्स बेनिफिट का लाभ उठायें ..